lunes, 14 de enero de 2019

Emergency Procedure Neptuno

Although we all wish they didn´t happen, emergencies – from a delayed transfer to medical emergencies – unfortunately are unavoidable.
To be prepared as best as possible, we are constantly improving our procedures in case of emergency. Plans of procedure, trainings, etc help us to actuate quickly and efficiently in cases of emergency.
To have all information handy within seconds, we ask for your support. Please provide us with the following information:
  1. Your emergency phone contact
  2. The record number of flights issued by you
  3. In case we don´t answer the first call, please keep trying
Note 1.)
Please let us know if the provided number is reachable 24/7.  If not, let us know howelse we cna get in touch as quickly as possible.
Please send the requested information to your assigned local travel agent.

Note 2.)
It happens that clients, when facing problems with flights (both international and national) issued by you, contact us as their local contact although we don´t have the information needed to solve the problem. To be able to act quickly, we kindly ask you to provide us with the record number of all the flights issued by you for future bookings.

Note 3.)
We always strive to answer your calls immediately. However, due to bad phone signal, other incoming calls, etc, we might not be able to answer right away. In this case we kindly ask you to keep trying for another 5 - 10 minutes until we answer.

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