viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Colombia - the paradise for birdwatchers

With about 1876 species, Colombia is the number one country in bird diversity in the world a paradise for birdwatchers with innumerable options in the cloud forest and páramos of the Andes or the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the jungles of the Amazon and Chocó regions, the Eastern Plains, the lowlands of the Caribbean region, and the inter-Andean valleys.

Even in Bogotá you can find the Humming-bird
In Colombia it is possible to birdwatch within and near the main cities, as well as in remote areas that will require longer travel times and rougher logistics. Thus its easy to combine a cultural and natural highlight tour within Colombia with bridwatching elements.

Don’t hesitate to ask Neptuno for Birdwatching Tours in Colombia.

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